改編自知名歌曲James Blunt 的 You're Beautiful

Bloody could Parandatud( peaks olema õige )

my life is rubbish,
my life is tough
the other singers pick on me
nickle my stuff
they don't think i'm one of them,
that's not fair
just cause i got a girlie voice,
and silly hair

i told them i'm a solider,
i've been in a war
but none of them believed me,
they laughed even more
then Robbie sayd to prove i'm tough,
that i should go
and take my coat and top off
and stand in the snow

It's bloody cold
It's bloody cold
It's bloody cold Out here

And if i past Robbie's test
Maybe he'll be so impressed
That it might help my career
last in to next year

Noel and Liam Gallagher won't let me in their gang
Morrisey keeps telling me James Blunt is rhiming slang
Davis says the only way to prove i`m cool
Is jumping with my trousers on into a swimming pool

It's bloody cold
It's bloody cold
It's bloody cold god no

but if it means i can hang
with the coolest singels gang
it's worth i supose
okey then here goes

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